Center for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis 2012 year in review

Dr. Larry Williams, director of CARMA standing in front of a banner
Dr. Larry Williams, director of CARMA, pictured at right with Dr. John Schaubroeck, professor of psychology and management at Michigan State University, during a recent WSU I/O Brown Bag.

In fall 2012, the Center for Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA) hosted three events at Wayne State University, presenting five lectures on research methods topics. See CARMA's 2012 Year in Review Video to view some of the highlights.

Dr. Larry Williams, director of CARMA, is pictured at right with Dr. John Schaubroeck, professor of Psychology and Management at Michigan State University, during a recent WSU I/O Brown Bag. CARMA continues to be a great resource for graduate students and faculty in the I/O area.

On September 28, CARMA presented at Wayne State University its first live webcast lecture of the 2012-2013 CARMA Consortium Webcast Program. The distinguished presenter was Dr. Steve Kozlowski of Michigan State University, also Editor of the Journal of Applied Psychology and his presentation was "Emergent phenomena: Theory and Methodologies.

The presentation focused on theory, research design, and data analysis issues related to studying individuals in teams. Over 330 faculty and students from 43 of CARMA Consortium Webcast members viewed the webcast online and 30 of Wayne state's faculty and graduate students attended both the webcast and the "Meet the Methodologist" interview.

On October 19, CARMA hosted its second live webcast lecture. Dr. Steven Floyd, management professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst who is also associate editor of the Strategic Management of Journal presented "Challenges and Prospects in Rediscovering the Individual in Strategy Research." The presentation focused on areas of strategic management research in which the emphasis on industrial-organizational economics shifted to place more emphasis on organizational behavior and its relevance to strategic decision making.

Nearly 190 faculty and students from 26 of CARMA Consortium Webcast members viewed the webcast online and 25 of Wayne State's faculty and graduate students attended both the webcast and the "Meet the Methodologist" interview. In the Meet the Methodologist interview, Steve discussed his career in business and as a researcher, issues with publishing, being an editor of top journals, and concerns about the individual in strategy research.

Finally, on November 9, CARMA presented three live webcast lectures. The presenters were Dr. John Mathieu of the University of Connecticut, Dr. Ann Cunliffe of the University of Leeds, and Dr. Mike McDaniel of Virginia Commonwealth University. John Mathieu presented "Doing Teams Research: Where, When, How, and Why?" His presentation focused on measurement and data analysis developments relevant for researchers studying work teams in organizations. Ann Cunliffe presented "Crafting Qualitative Organizational Research". Her presentation offered guidelines for considering the contribution, rigor, and consistency of organizational research conducted using qualitative techniques. Dr. Mike McDaniel presented "Publication Bias and Other Sensitivity Analyses in Meta-Analysis". McDaniel presented techniques to address concerns that meta-analyses have excluded relevant studies such that their conclusions may not be valid.

Before the lectures, CARMA held a "Meet the Methodologist" interview program with all three presenters, which was broadcast live on Ustream via its CARMA Facebook Page. Over 350 faculty and students from 49 CARMA Consortium Webcast members viewed the webcast online and 35 of Wayne State's faculty and graduate students attended both the webcast and "Meet the Methodologist."

Learn more about CARMA on Facebook.

By Keith Zabel

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