April 6, 2011 - Stephen M. Rao, Ph.D. "Can We Predict and Eventually Prevent Alzheimer's Disease?"

Dr. Rao is a graduate from the Clinical Area (worked with Doug Whitman). He has authored over 125 scientific papers/book chapters and edited three books. He is also the incoming president of the International Neuropsychological Society and he is the current editor of the APA flagship journal, Neuropsychology. Dr. Rao first became known in the field of neuropsychology through his work with multiple sclerosis, and characterizing the behavioral and later, neuroimaging, characteristics of this population. He has branched out into many different types of structural and functional imaging techniques. Dr. Rao is currently at the Cleveland Clinic and has a number of NIH funded projects (including one with John Woodard) on aging, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's disease, in addition to Huntington's disease and several other topics.

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