Darry Powell-Young named as a 2017-2018 APSA Minority Fellowship program recipient
The American Political Science Association (APSA) is pleased to announce that Darry Powell-Young, a second year Ph.D. student in the Department of Political Science at Wayne State University, has been named as a 2017-2018 APSA Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) Fellow, Spring Cycle.
Powell-Young is a second year Ph.D. student at Wayne State University. His concentrations are in urban politics, public policy and public administration. His primary research focuses on urban K-12 education policy and developing policy alternatives that will increase minority enrollment and success in AP, IB, and college prep courses in our biggest urban school districts. He has previous degrees in public administration, international affairs, and political science.
He is currently an adjunct instructor of urban politics and public policy at the University of Michigan. He also teaches at WSU, in the area of politics and urban education and race and public policy in the US. His future goal, once he completes his Ph.D., is to work for the US Department of Education as a policy strategist or at the White House as the director of domestic policy affairs.
The MFP was established in 1969 to increase the number of under-represented scholars in the political science discipline. Since 1969, the APSA Minority Fellowship has designated more than 500 Fellows, both funded and unfunded, and contributed to the completion of doctoral political science programs for over 100 individuals. Fall fellows are college or university seniors, graduates, or Master's students who plan on applying to a Ph.D. program in political science. Spring fellows are first and second-year Ph.D. students in political science. APSA Minority Fellows are very active in the discipline as faculty members, researchers and mentors.
Visit apsanet.org/mfp to learn more about the APSA MFP program and recent fellows.