Ariel Helfer joins political science faculty

Portrait of Ariel Helfer

This fall, Dr. Ariel Helfer joins the Department of Political Science faculty as assistant professor and will teach and conduct research in the field of political theory. Dr. Helfer received his Ph.D. in Government from the University of Texas at Austin in the spring of 2015. His research focuses on political ambition and statesmanship, especially as a theme in classical political thought and Greek history. Dr. Helfer is also trained in quantitative political methodology.

Dr. Helfer's book entitled "Socrates and Alcibiades: Plato's Drama of Political Ambition and Philosophy" was published by the University of Pennsylvania Press in April 2017. His current project is a new book on Plato's "Letters," which will include an introduction addressing the state of scholarly debate concerning authenticity, a new English translation, and an interpretive essay. Dr. Helfer has taught courses on Greek philosophy and literature, American constitutional principles, and the history of African American political thought, as well as intensive quantitative methods "Math Camp" workshops for incoming graduate students at Texas (2010-2014) and Michigan State (2015-2016).

Dr. Helfer was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec and received his undergraduate degree in political science and physics from Kenyon College in 2008. He is a fan of the Montreal Canadiens hockey team and enjoys camping, chess, and music. Ariel married Cassie in May 2017.

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