Geology fall 2015 poster session showcases student research

This past fall, Professor Sarah Brownlee piloted a new course, Team Research (GEL 3600) and the results have proven the course to be a wonderful success.

During the term, students traveled to Vermont to collect samples and develop their own research projects, in groups of three. At the conclusion of the term, with all the hard work completed, students presented their results via a poster board session.

Senior Jack Press next to his team's poster
Senior Jack Press next to his team's poster.
Team members Alicia Galka, Erin D'Hondt and Doug DeTraz with their poster
Team members Alicia Galka, Erin D'Hondt and Doug DeTraz with their poster.

Team members Victor Shaw and Ross Wine with their poster
Team members Victor Shaw and Ross Wine with their poster.
Jefferson shares his findings with instructor Valentina Taranovic
Jefferson shares his findings with instructor Valentina Taranovic.
Professor Lemke and Valentina learning from Noor about her research
Professor Lemke and Valentina learning from Noor about her research.
Michele Blundell and Rebecca Butcher have fun sharing their results
Michele Blundell and Rebecca Butcher have fun sharing their results.

Andrew Camilleri shares his research findings
Andrew Camilleri shares his research findings.
Finally, students from the inaugural GEL 3600 (Team Research) course can smile and enjoy the end of the semester
Finally, students from the inaugural GEL 3600 (Team Research) course can smile and enjoy the end of the semester.

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