Meet Stephanie Price-Cummings, senior math econ student
Academic achievements
As a student, I am very proud that I maintain a 4.0 GPA. In addition to my GPA, I have received several scholarships including the Christopher Birosak Annual Merit Scholarship in Economics, Isabel M. Cayley and John F. Cayley Annual Scholarship, and the Karl W. and Helen L. Folley Endowed Mathematics Scholarship. I have also received a grant from Wayne State University's Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program which funded my research in the crude oil market.
What would you like to share with future econ/math econ students?
If I could share anything with future students, it would be the advice that my grandfather gave me when I was young. My grandfather would always tell me, "Never be afraid to ask for or create your own opportunities, it is rare that they are presented to you on your front door." Wayne State, and especially the economics department, has so many fantastic faculty members that offer such a vast array of knowledge and it has been my experience that they are very eager to help or guide wherever they can, and when they are unable to, they always know the perfect person you should contact. The key here is to not be afraid to approach them.
Future plans
In the future, I hope to attend graduate school and obtain a Ph.D. in Economics. With a doctorate in economics, I want to research the logistics of the financial market and one day work in the public sector developing policies to instill more stability in the market.