Being the next me: a surgeon saving lives.
I want to help people understand that it is okay to ask for help when you are struggling.
I chose Wayne State because I fell in love with the campus and the atmosphere, along with finding out how well known WSU is for their many programs for the sciences.
Most especially during this time in history, it has strengthened my inspiration to become a pharmacist, so I can make a direct change in the field of medicine.
I am most excited to have the opportunity to meet new people and explore more of my favorite city in these upcoming years!
I've been in love with chemistry since my very first balanced equation, so why would I not dedicate my life to it?
I want to get my bachelor's in biology with a concentration in genetics. I want to educate myself about genes, how they can affect us and eventually help people with genetic disorders.
I want people to know that mental health is just as important as physical help and that going to therapy is the same as going to a doctor's appointment.
I'm most excited about finding myself over the next four years. I want to explore the heart of Detroit and find my interests, lifelong friends and my passion. I want to go out into the city and just be myself.
I see myself in a clinic of my own treating many people, saving lives and giving what I can to everyone to make them happy and live a sustainable life.
I want to help people gain the security of safety when they enter a hospital. It is a place they come to get help. There is no reason they should feel anything but safe.
I chose Wayne State because of its amazing research opportunities. I am also in the pre-pharmacy program and I would like to continue to the graduate program.
I want to be the change, that I want to see in the world. With my degree I'm going to impact as many young women and children as I can so that none of them have to go through hard times alone. I'll be the listening ear and shoulder to cry on when no one else will.
In ten years, I see myself being a successful physician's assistant.
I see myself fresh out of doctorate school providing mental health assistance our nation's most often forgotten segment, the incarcerated.
I want to research and find cures for all diseases so people can live longer and healthier lives.
I want to make the world a healthier place, not necessarily a happier place. I want to teach people that being upset, angry, or happy is always okay b/c I believe that the opposite of happiness is not sadness or anger – it's hopelessness. As long as you keep hoping, you'll be okay.
One thing that inspired me to study psychology is that I've always been intrigued on how the mind works and how it perceives things. My interest towards psychology grew abundantly and I wanted to take what I learned from it and apply it into my future career as a therapist or counselor.