Top five reasons to take spring/summer classes

Students walking to spring/summer classes

From longer days and shorter terms to Wayne State's Spring/Summer Tuition Break, here are the top five reasons to register now for a spring/summer class.

Graduate sooner

Taking classes year-round is a great way to graduate sooner or to make up a class so you can stay on track. If there's a tough course on your horizon, take it during spring/summer. Buckle down and check that class off your required list.

Save money

Undergraduates eligible for the Spring/Summer Tuition Break receive a 30% tuition discount on spring/summer classes.

Shorter, more flexible terms

Spring/summer classes range in duration from 7 to 12 weeks, rather than the traditional 16-weeklong terms offered in fall and winter. Shorter terms mean more flexibility for your schedule - you'll still have plenty of time for other commitments.

Broaden your horizons

Spring/summer is the perfect time to focus on gaining experiences that will help you grow. Consider taking an elective outside your major. You never know what you might learn!

Keep your brain active

Taking a class during spring/summer will help you stay sharp, ensuring there will be no need to dust off the cobwebs and get back into the routine of studying once the fall semester starts.

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