CLAS staff highlighted in Wellness Warrior Spotlight

Meet Mel Mills. Text version below

Meet Mel Mills

Web content guru, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean's Office

Warrior Wisdom

Warrior wisdom of the month

Good health pays dividends in every other area of life. In order to say "no" to things holding us back, we must have a bigger "yes"!

Favorite wellness services

The nutritionist consultations have been a game-changer for me. The body is very complex and you really don't know what you don't know. Having a nutritionist to guide you through a step-by-step plan helping you to reach your goals, for your age, body type, fitness level, etc. is invaluable.

Two ordinary activities that bring Mel joy

1. Good times spent with family and friends.
2. Working out + podcasting.

Learn more about Mel Mills.

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