Debashish Menon selected to be Wayne State nominee for GRC ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation

Dr. Debashish Menon's Ph.D. dissertation "Investigation of X Chromosome Recognition: The Role of Small RNA in Drosophila Dosage Compensation" was selected by the Graduate School to represent Wayne State University in the GRC Proquest Distinguished Dissertation Award competition.

The ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards recognize outstanding and exceptionally interesting work produced by doctoral students. Dr. Menon defended his dissertation in a public presentation last March. He had worked under the mentorship of Dr. Victoria Meller. Dr. Menon published four papers while working with Dr. Meller, including three first-author papers that were published in the journals Genetics and Fly.

Two additional manuscripts are under review and in preparation. Dr. Menon is currently a post-doctoral fellow in the laboratory of Terry Magnuson at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, where he is pursuing his interest in epigenetics in the mouse.

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