Biological sciences students lobby in Washington

Wayne State goes to DC!

How do federal policymakers know what constituents are thinking? Sometimes citizens travel to Washington to tell them! This happened in June when a diverse team of Wayne State University students and faculty, including four biological sciences students, traveled to Washington to meet with federal policymakers.

The team, assembled by the Science Policy Network Detroit and coordinated by James Williams, Jr., Wayne State's director of federal affairs, visited the offices of representatives John Moolenaar, Rashida Tlaib, Lauren Underwood, Peter Meijer, and Haley Stevens.

The group voiced their support for bills to eliminate racial health inequities (Health Equity and Accountability Act), support for science research and education (America COMPETES Act), as well as a bill to advance birth equity nicknamed the Momnibus Bill.

In addition to shaping legislation, visits such as this expose students to career opportunities in science policy and government. The Science Policy Network Detroit was founded in 2020 by a coalition of Wayne State students and faculty with the goal of bringing together the scientific community, citizens, and policymakers.

Biological sciences students lobby in Washington

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