
Thanks for your interest in the Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies Program (GSW). As the program advisor, I would be delighted to meet with you to provide information about majoring, co-majoring or minoring in GSW.

I can help you with:

  • Declaring a major/minor
  • Charting your coursework and assessing your progress toward a degree
  • Making connections to feminist and LGBTQ+ student groups on campus
  • Applying for feminist and LGBTQ+ scholarships and awards
  • Exploring career and professional goals

Jim Gwak

Jin Gwak

Academic services officer I, student engagement coordinator

313-577-6331 |
5057 Woodward, Suite 9204.3

Schedule an appointment

Getting involved

We'd love to help you get involved with the GSW community! I can help you find out about programs and events relevant to our GSW students and LGBTQ+ communities and allies at WSU, including Women's History Month, Pride Week, Coming Out Week and Rainbow Graduation!

Please do reach out if you ever need any assistance or have any questions, large or small. If you're on campus, feel free to stop in during posted office hours. GSW always has little goodies to share!