Selfie of Kyra Horton. Kyra smiles at the camera, has a short afro and wears a long sleeve black top and a necklace with a brass pendant.

Meet writing and media intern Kyra Horton

The Department of English welcomes their newest media and writing intern, Kyra Horton. Kyra is a junior at Wayne State with a major in English and two minors in creative writing and theatre. Kyra’s love for reading developed at an early age and soon morphed into a love for both writing and acting.

Whether writing an intense chapter or scripting a thrilling play, Kyra is always thinking creatively and always finding ways to hone her skills. She is excited to learn all she can with this internship and put forth that new knowledge in future aspirations.

The act of building a story and producing it through any medium is Kyra’s bread and butter. She believes writing is just the framework for the product we want to create. Kyra has not had a chance to publish many works, but she is working on a few novel ideas when she can.

Many of her writing inspirations are from some of her favorite authors, including Zora Neale Hurston, the Brothers Grimm, Edgar Allan Poe, Junji Ito and Rumiko Takahashi, and from her favorite genres: horror and suspense. Kyra also prefers to reinvent common elements seen in fantasy and adventure. She enjoys pushing the boundaries of what we are used to reading and seeing, opting to use techniques and style decisions that fit the “feel” of a piece.

Kyra is honored to help shine a light on Wayne State University’s English department, faculty, students and alumni.  

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